Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How to unblock your website URL on Facebook

Is your website URL blocked on Facebook?

You can’t post your website URL on facebook’s timeline post, group post, page post, story? etc.
Follow these guidelines carefully and your website URL will be unblocked and you will be able to post it on Facebook within 24 hours depending on your case.

What can make facebook block your website URL?

  1. Your website has malware infestation: Your site may have been infested with malware by hackers without you knowing, so the malware may have caused your site to be block by facebook by marking it as spam. Run a malware check on your website to be sure.
  2. Facebook’s algorithm made a mistake: This can happen since facebook uses algorithm to check post that violates their community standards
  3. Another facebook user reported you: Sometimes some other facebook user may report you. It may be intentional just to hurt you or because of what you have been posting, or probably by mistake.
  4. You have been posting contents that goes against facebook’s community standard

Steps on how to unblock your website on Facebook

Step 1: Be sure that Facebook is actually blocking your website URL.

First of all, you should run your URL through Facebook Debugger to be sure of what actually led to your website been blocked.
A debugger is a tool built by Facebook to check and identify any error been collected from your website by Facebook and it will help provide you with information on what needs to be fixed for your website URL to be unblocked.

From there your team of developers or the developers’ team at Facebook can then be able to give you insights on how to make your website compliant and help the Facebook algorithm detect your website as safe.
Click the Facebook developer URL below to get started

Facebook debugger URL:

enter your URL as shown on the image above and click debug.
If Facebook is blocking your website an error message will be shown saying “Facebook can’t review your website because it does not follow the community standards”, as the image below shows.

while you are doing that scan your website for hidden malware, because your site may have been under attack from malware.
If the result of the malware scan returns clean, screenshot it as you may have to show it to Facebook.

Step 2: Go through the Facebook community standards and make sure you are complying with them:

Before assuming that Facebook made a mistake blocking your site, quickly review their community standard and make any changes if your website goes against any of the standards.
Facebook community standard is easy to read and understand, but there is also a quick way to check.
Navigate to your page on Facebook then look for page/quality tab, it will show if you are violating any Facebook community standard.

If everything looks okay and clean without any error, then you can appeal your case to Facebook.

Step 3: Submit your website to Facebook for consideration

After going through steps 1 and step 2 and you could not find any reason for your website block, go through step 1 again but this time around from the error message shown to you click the “Let us know” as shown in the image below.

this will take you to a page with a form you can write to Facebook letting them know they made a mistake blocking your website URL.

Another way to submit a more thorough report to Facebook is by clicking the arrow button on the top right corner of your account then select Help & Support, Report a problem, and then click on “something went wrong”. A window will be opened to you where you can write to Facebook.

That should be it. Let us know if you had other issues by leaving a comment in the comment section below.

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